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  1. I don’t want to live anywhere else

    “I don't want to live anywhere else”

    Olle is a young school boy. He has only one friend. It is his best friend, but an unusual friend. Olle grappling with huge hard questions. Is he sick or is he just lonely?

    Loneliness is hard to live in.

  2. “EITHER - OR”

    Olle is a young school boy. He has only one friend. It is his best friend, but an unusual friend. Olle grappling with huge hard questions. Is he sick or is he just lonely?
    Loneliness is hard to live in.

  3. fate


    Three young people in three different families and one lone bird. The young people do not know each other. Maybe passed by on the street, but more is not it. They live in different home relationships. Gabriel, a gay boy played by Anton Forsdik. His laying is not accepted in his family. He feels abandoned and alone. Johannes is an ADHD diagnosis guy claiming the doctors played by Malte Gårdinger. He also feels lonely in this unfair world. We follow these youngsters in their way through loneliness and heavy depression. Their desire to be accepted as them is to be loved by their immediate. The search for inner freedom and security leads them to different paths and places in their city. The thoughts of Gabriel fly high over the city with questions about loneliness and fate. His thoughts about fate do not only stop with humans, all living ones have their own lives.

  4. Teater Verket presenterar ”Människor kommer och människor går”

    "Människor kommer och människor går"

    ”Människor kommer och människor går” är en pjäs som följer två män. En i sin ensamhet och den andre på vägen till ett sammanbrott. Det främmande, rädslan och fördomar har en stark närvaro i pjäsen. Hat, förhandsuppfattningar och känslor förändras i rasande tempo. Men vad hände med kärleken med vänskapen och gemenskapen? Alla har fördomar. När fördomar utvecklas till hat och diskriminering det är då det blir till problem. Rasism föds ur fördomar och rädsla.

    ”Genom att avklippa kontakterna med andra människor tycktes jag först förlora all kraft, men samtidigt började mitt jag liksom koagulera, förtätas omkring en kärna, där allt vad jag upplevt samlade sig, smältes och upptogs som näringsämnen av min själ.” August Strindberg

  5. Everything about the actual difference (12)


    Olle Samuelsson, according to himself, lives a ”normal life”, in the same everyday life as everyone else. Every day the same things happen. A boy whose fate has already been decided. Unhappy as he is, he does everything to change his life. To change everyday life. What begins with small changes is getting bigger and bigger. From eating an orange in a new way to suddenly have blood on your hands.

    This film is the last in the trilogy of Olle Samuelsson.

Anton Forsdik

Anton Forsdik

Main Director

Fanny Forsdik writer / actor / photographer

Fanny Forsdik

Main Producer


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    A modern film industry & video production